Level 1

What are ways of preventing bush fires?
Find out by exploring the gallery below.

When do you need a fire permit?

Information about bush fire danger periods and fire permits.

Check out the website


Imagine you want a Fire Permit. Can your local police station issue you with one?

Hey Firestormers!

You’ll only ever be able to get a Fire Permit from an authorised Permit Issuing Officer.

  • Using fire safely


Actor Ben Lawson, who has starred in Modern Family, Firefly Lane, 13 Reasons Why, wrote this poem in Los Angeles where he has lived since 2008, as a love letter to his burning homeland.
The RFS has made to changes to their aerial firefighting fleet and introduced high tech solution in response to the terrible 2019/2020 bush fire season. In 2023 AerialFire magazine featured the changes and explained why they are world class.

Fire Permits are required during the official Bush Fire Danger Period.